[Lavasept as an alternative to PVP-iodine as a preoperative antiseptic in ophthalmic surgery. Randomized, controlled, prospective double-blind trial]
Author(s): Hansmann F, Kramer A, Ohgke H, Strobel H, Muller M, Geerling G
Affiliation(s): Klinik fur Augenheilkunde, Campus Lubeck des Universitatsklinikums Schleswig-Holstein, Lubeck. hansmann@t-online.de
Publication date & source: 2005-11, Ophthalmologe., 102(11):1043-6, 1048-50.
Publication type: Randomized Controlled Trial
BACKGROUND: To reduce the risk of endophthalmitis PVP-iodine is typically used preoperatively. Since iodine is contraindicated in patients with a specific allergic history or severe thyroid disorder we studied the effect of Lavasept, which contains Polyhexanid as an antiseptic alternative.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: In a randomized controlled double-blind trial 3 drops of 0.2% Lavasept, 1.25% PVP-iodine or Ringer's solution were applied preoperatively to 67 patients, which have had a minimum of 5 colony forming units (cfu's) in the conjunctival swap. The effectiveness and tolerability were measured.RESULTS: After application of Lavasept or PVP-iodine, the number of cfu was statistically significantly reduced. Lavasept reduced the number of bacterial colonies significantly better than PVP-iodine (p=0.05). All test solutions were equally well tolerated.
CONCLUSION: The use af Lavasept is safe, well tolerated and reduces the microbiological contamination of the conjunctival fornix effectively. lt provides a more effective reduction of the cfu's than PVP-iodine 1.25% and this effect tends to be prolonged. Lavasept is a good alternative option in ophthalmology for preoperative antisepsis.
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